March 2012 - Brilliance Remastered!

 Hello Good People!

This month's Iambrown is full of so many incredible performances, trainings, books, speakers, and services (Academics, check out the first item!) that I really could not justify including an essay. Also, I might have broken my finger falling on ice this morning. Sad, but hey, it's finally winter in Minnesota. Without further ado...
In this Edition of Iambrown:
  • Announcing Brilliance Remastered!!
  • Invincible, Jean Grae, and Tamar Kali Perform at Columbia University (New York City)
  • "Our Only Weapon Our Spirit: Selected Prison Writings of Bobby Sands" Reading (Saint Paul, MN)
  • Dr. Tererai Trent gives the Women's Month Keynote at the College of Saint Benedict's (St. Joseph, MN)
  • Movement Building: From Treaties to Prosperity (Minneapolis, MN)
  • Art in Healthcare for Rural Communities Workshop (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
  • Taller Para Talleristas / Training for Trainers (Minneapolis, MN)
  • SmartMeme is Hiring! (Boston, MA and San Francisco, CA)
  • New Book - The People's Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan (Everywhere)
  • Decolonization Begins at Birth: Hospital, Birthing Centers, and Homebirth Stories (Everywhere)

Announcing Brilliance Remastered

Brilliance Remastered is the new practice of visionary academic and organizer Alexis Pauline Gumbs, PhD. It is a service for visionary under-represented graduate students and emerging community accountable scholars! Here is what Alexis has to say about her practice: 

"Brilliance Remastered is my contribution to shifting the paradigm of what we do as community accountable scholars.   It is my intention that your experience of graduate school is not full of paranoia, proving yourself, being misunderstood and overlooked, but rather of radiant and inspiring opportunities to bring your best intellectual resources to the issues and communities you care about.   I also intend that when you finish graduate school you are not grabbing for crumbs based on what academic institution wants to hire and tokenize and overwork an under-represented person with your specialties, but rather that you will be able to choose to continue your passionate inquiry on your own terms in ways that prioritize and support strategies of power for the communities you love."

Offering one-on-one coaching, PhDoula support, and much more! Sign up for her first Audre Lorde inspired webinar Remastered Tools 101 by today, March 1st! May the transformative lovefest BEGIN!!!! ♥♥♥♥
Invincible, Jean Grae, and Tamar Kali Perform at Columbia University

Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, in conjunction with:
Columbia ISO
Radical C.U.N.T.S.
Freedom School
Asian American Alliance

Presents an epic concert featuring INVINCIBLE, JEAN GRAE, AND TAMAR KALI as part of the Born in Flames Tour and Israeli Apartheid Week!
Friday, March 2nd

Roone Arledge Auditorium
Lerner Hall
New York, NY 10027 
Doors open at 8:30, concert starts at 9.

Tickets are on sale now! Capacity is limited, so be sure to reserve your place right away.
You can purchase tickets at the following link:

Ticket price:
$7 for Columbia students
$15 for non-Columbia students

About Born in Flames:
The Born in Flames Tour bridges the worlds of hip hop and rock, and spotlights women who represent the best of both worlds, bringing together two crucibles of creativity—Brooklyn and Detroit. Featured artists Invincible, Tamar-kali, and Jean Grae are all highly-respected in their individual scenes, and their ever-growing fan bases will continue to elevate them into cult status well into the future. The name of the tour, Born in Flames, speaks to the pressure these artists feel from from a world that’s often at odds with their very existence, be it black/woman/queer/punk, etc.

The Born in Flames tour aims to affirm that outsider artists can win in the music industry by putting on powerful, original, and authentic live show that attracts new fans, night after night. Through this multi-genre tour, fans of Invincible and Jean Grae will be moved by Tamar-kali's hard rock spirit and, in turn, Tamar-kali's fans will be reminded of the power of real hip-hop. Each artist will leave an indelible mark on every stage they set ablaze. 

Learn more about the tour at

February 27-March 3 is Israeli Apartheid Week in NYC!
For more information, visit:
GET INVOLVED & organize events in your respective city...learn more!
Readings from "Our Only Weapon Our Spirit: Selected Prison Writings of Bobby Sands"
Micawber's Books
2238 Carter Ave
Saint Paul, MN 
Friday, March 16, 2012
7:00pm until 10:00pm

Help us celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a talk on one the great IRA legends and his legacy. Book editor Samuel Conway will be here to discuss the book.

Dr. Tererai Trent gives the Women's Month Keynote at the College of Saint Benedict's
March 21st, 2012
Gorecki 204
Saint Benedict's College

37 South College Avenue
St. Joseph, Minnesota 56374


Dr. Tererai Trent grew up in rural Zimbabwe where she was denied education because she was a girl. She persevered and overcame adversity to reach her dreams. She now helps girls in Southern Africa do the same. 

Movement Building: From Treaties to Prosperity
March 20, 2012
5:30-7:30 p.m.
For the month of March, the Headwaters Foundation series "Movement Building" is relocating to the All My Relations Gallery, bringing the Why Treaties Matter exhibit into our conversation about Native American sovereignty. The exhibit provides an important backdrop for talking about contemporary community and sustainability with guest speaker Justin Hueneman, Executive Director of the Native American Community Development Institute(NACDI). NACDI is advancing the concept of sovereignty in an urban context.  Justin will share the story of how the local community is successfully building and redefining itself, first with a vision of what it "has" and from there creating a plan to secure what it needs.

5:30 p.m. reception and time to view the exhibit  
6:30 p.m. program 

All My Relations Gallery
1414 East Franklin Ave
Register online today!
Headwaters Foundation for Justice
Our mission --our passion-- is to be a catalyst for social, racial, economic, and environmental justice. Our role is right in the middle, between the big picture and the small details, making sure grassroots organizing is funded well, connecting those with means with those on the front lines of change, and working with grassroots organizations so their roots reach even deeper and wider. And we'd like you to join us.

Art in Healthcare for Rural Communities Workshop

April 16-17th, 2012

A training program for individuals interested in developing and participating in arts in healthcare initiatives in rural communities.

This training will provide participants with the skills and tools necessary for creating sustainable arts in healthcare initiatives in rural communities. Emphasis will be placed on topics related to cultural competency, funding, partnerships, program development and management, artist training, and program assessment.

The two-day workshop is for anyone--administrators, artists, physicians, and nurses--who want to learn how to help people in rural communities improve their health through the arts. The workshop is Monday, April 16 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to Tuesday, April 17 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The program will be held in the Dakota Room at Sanford Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Cost for the program is $35.00.

Sponsored by Sanford Health, University of South Dakota, University of South Dakota School of Medicine, the State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, the Arts in Medicine Programs at the University of Florida, and the Kresge Foundation.

For more information contact Patrick McGowan
Director, Sanford Clinic Ear, Nose,Throat & Audiology
Sanford Arts in Health & Healing:

Direct phone: 605.328.8232      
Usted está invitado!/Announcement! You're Invited!

Únase e inscríbase en este taller intensivo diseñado para facilitadores y facilitadoras con experiencia que buscan revitalizar su trabajo, para talleristas principantes que buscan inspirarse, profesores y profesoras, líderes en la comunidad, activistas y cualquier persona que quiera llevar sus capacidades al siguiente nivel y aprender cómo pueden liderarse talleres de una manera más efectiva

Dónde: Waite House (en su nueva ubicación!). 2323 S. 11th Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55404

Cuándo: Viernes, 30 de marzo, 6 a 9 ó 10pm. Cena incluidos, Sábado, 31 de marzo, 8am a 6pm. Desayunoy almuerzo incluidos, Domingo, 01 de abril, 8 am a 6pm. Desayuno, almuerzo y pasabocas incluidos.

Que: Desde 1992, Training for Change/Talleristas por la Justicia ha venido aumentando su capacidad de hacer entrenamientos para activistas alrededor del mundo. Cuando decimos entrenamiento para activistas, nos referimos a aquel que ayuda a los grupos a trabajar más efectivamente por la justicia, la paz y el medio ambiente.

¿Por qué: 

Tener habilidades para dar entrenamientos y facilitar talleres es fundamental para realizar organización comunitaria y construir movimientos sociales de forma efectiva. Las personas que cuentan con dichas habilidades están en capacidad de prestar apoyo a los grupos con los que trabajan al capacitar nuevos/as líderes, transferir conocimiento y habilidades entre generaciones, fortalecer la participación al interior de dichos grupos, introducir conceptos nuevos y transformadores, educar e involucrar a sus audiencias, prestar apoyo en reuniones y procesos de toma de decisiones, resolver conflictos y realizar entrenamientos para la toma de acciones exitosas, creativas y disciplinadas. 


Personas que se desempeñen como facilitadoras, consultoras o talleristas con diferentes niveles de experiencia... activistas y organizadores/as comunitarios/as que deseen desarrollar capacitaciones más efectivas en su trabajo... profesores y profesoras, líderes de la comunidad, pastores/as, consultores/as y otras personas que deseen obtener más herramientas experienciales. El Taller para Talleristas es una excelente forma de empezar a conocer el estilo de entrenamiento de la organización Talleristas por la Justicia -TPJ- (en inglés, Training for Change) en caso de que esté considerando la posibilidad de que TPJ trabaje más cercanamente con su organización o que planee asistir a otros talleres que ofrecemos.


●     Mejorar las habilidades para facilitar y diseñar talleres

●     Aumentar el número de herramientas que puede usar efectivamente en sus talleres

●     Ganar una mayor conciencia sobre sus propias capacidades como facilitador o facilitadora


El taller inicia con una cena e inscripciones a las 6pm el viernes y finaliza a las 6pm del domingo.

El horario para cada día del taller es el siguiente:

Viernes: 6 a 9 ó 10pm. Cena incluida

Sábado: 8am a 6pm. Desayuno  y almuerzo incluidos

Domingo: 8 am a 6pm. Desayuno, almuerzo y pasabocas incluidos.

Aunque se trata de un horario extendido, hemos encontrado que nuestro estilo experiencial mantiene a las personas involucradas, alertas y energizadas durante todo el fin de semana. Así mismo, programamos descansos cortos y largos y animamos a quienes participan a que se cuiden para que puedan estar completamente presentes en el taller. Por favor contáctenos si tiene preguntas sobre el horario del taller.

El taller está diseñado como un paquete experiencial y cada sesión se construye sobre la anterior; queremos crear el mejor ambiente de aprendizaje posible para que los y las participantes absorban el aprendizaje combinado de cada sesión. Por ello, NO PERMITIMOS LA ASISTENCIA PARCIAL, por lo que quienes se inscriban deben comprometerse a asistir al taller en su totalidad.

Los elementos centrales de este taller ayudan a los y las participantes a fortalecer sus habilidades en diferentes áreas, que incluyen: crear un espacio seguro y generar cohesión para que un grupo pueda hacer el mejor trabajo posible de forma conjunta, utilizar actividades experienciales para extraer la sabiduría del grupo y guiar su aprendizaje, trabajar con la diversidad existente dentro del grupo y aplicar los principios de diseño que permiten realizar talleres más sólidos.

A lo largo del taller habrá múltiples oportunidades para discutir preguntas o retos específicos que desee explorar en este espacio. El Taller para Talleristas es un taller divertido y a la vez riguroso y en tanto sus participantes empujan sus propios límites para ser mejores liderando talleres, puede que surjan emociones fuertes. Hacemos lo mejor para prestarle apoyo para que usted se cuide en el taller y obtenga el mayor aprendizaje posible de los momentos que puedan ser un reto.


Para inscribirse, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a Celia Kutz - o comuníquese a los siguientes teléfonos: En inglés: Celia -             612-721-8607 y en español: Andrew - 202-277-5262. El cupo máximo es de 20 personas y la fecha límite para inscribirse es el 10 de marzo de 2012.


SmartMeme is HIRING!

SmartMeme is announcing two new full time positions, and we need your help finding the greatest applicants to join our staff.

We're looking for applicants experienced with grassroots organizing, strategic communications, movement strategy, creative actions and social justice work in diverse multiracial, cross-sector movements. We want creative, bold, imaginative applicants; team players with the ability to manage stress and find the opportunity in the crisis; hard workers with excellent time management skills who deliver high quality results on tight timelines; and people with a demonstrated commitment to fundamental social change. The positions could be based out of either our two national offices in SF or Boston.

1. Our new  operations person is a highly competent, can-do kind of person who will be the glue that holds smartMeme's work together—whether it's setting up field registration at a mobilization, maintaining our organizational database or negotiating a better deal with our landlord. The smartMeme Operations Manager position is for a problem solver who gets deep satisfaction from attention to detail. We need an implementer who can take emergent visionary ideas and transform them into reality.

2. Our new Training Program Coordinator will need to be a skilled trainer, facilitator and strategist who is also experienced with strategic communications. We need someone seasoned in the dynamics of organizing and movement strategy, who also understands the power of framing and stories. We’re looking for a narrative thinker who is great at creating effective messages, pithy slogans, and killer memes. In short we need an experienced, high capacity, well- rounded, social change superstar to lead our national Training Program.

Could either of these be you or someone you know?  Help us spread the word and build thesmartMeme team!

SmartMeme is an equal opportunity employer committed to identifying and developing the skills and leadership of peoplefrom diverse backgrounds and challenging historic patterns of political marginalization and oppression. People of Color, working-class people, differently-abled people and LGBT persons are strongly encouraged to apply.

Please CLICK HERE to see our website for additional information and to apply.

In solidarity,

doyle canning, patrick reinsborough, the smartMeme board and entire team  

New Book - The People's Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan

Eric Laursen's book, "The People's Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan," will be available late this month. now has a page, and is accepting pre-orders.

"The People's Pension" traces the story of the 30-year war to determine the fate of America's most successful social program, analyzes the arguments over its future, and suggests what's needed to preserve and expand the principles behind it for the 21st Century. In many ways the defining American domestic political struggle of our time, the story of the Social Security wars is here being told in full for the first time.

Eric will be touring to support "The People's Pension," and news on his blog,, along with his usual contributions on social insurance in general and Social Security in particular.
Decolonization Begins at Birth: Hospital, Birthing Centers, and Homebirth Stories
by Yaocihuatzin, Ph.D.
Birth and Postpartum Doula
Due to the need of the documentation of birth stories from all women, including minority and/or immigrant women, and the voice of midwife and doulas, I propose a book about hospital and homebirth stories from the perspective of the midwife, doula, and mother. If fathers want to write about the birth experience as a result of supporting and witnessing their wife's birth, they are welcome as well. All birth stories will be accepted regardless of the outcome. For example, still born birth stories.

This book will consists of seven chapters; it will be both in English and Spanish. Chapter one states the introduction and significance of the book. Chapter two consists of the research literature related to this book. Chapter three explains midwife experiences. Chapter four explains doula experiences. In chapter five are the hospital birth stories from women and men all throughout the United States, they will write about giving birth for as many children as they have for each birth story is unique. Chapter six presents birthing center stories from women and men all throughout the United States. Chapter seven presents the home birth stories from women all throughout the United States as well. Chapters five, six, and seven may include father’s birth experiences if they want to share. Chapter eight concludes with recommendations and suggestions for future research.

The book will present detailed birth experiences from women of a variety of ages, income, and race. If you are interested in submitting the birth story of your child or children please email your birth story to by the deadline: March 31, 2012. Also, if you are a midwife or doula and want to submit any birth experiences please do so as well. There is no limit to the number of words for your midwife, doula, and hospital, birth center, or home birth story, but please be as detailed as possible. Men, please share the birth story from your perspective as well. Following are some questions to guide your birth story:

1.     Date of birth
2.     Location of birth
3.     Length of birth
4.     Did you give birth naturally or had a cesarean section? Why?
5.     How was your husband or companion supportive?
6.     Explain the experience with your midwife, doctor and/or doula.
7.     Share any difficult experiences with hospitals or individuals.
8.     Was your birth followed as in your birth plan or what last minute changes occurred?
9.     Did you have an amniocentesis?
10.  Did you have an epidural, episiotomy, or any narcotics? If yes, were they positive or negative experiences?
11.  Were you induced and what were the reasons?
12.  If you did not use any narcotics or epidural, how did you cope with the birth waves, (contractions) birth, (labor) or "pain"?
13.  Were your waters broken for you or did they release on their own?
14.  Were you allowed to keep your placenta? What did you do with your placenta?
15.  What did you do with the umbilical cord when it fell off?
16.  Did the hospital take your baby away from your or did you hold your baby immediately after he/she was born?
17.  Did you circumcise your baby? Why or why not?
18.  Did you vaccinate your baby? Why or why not?
19.  Are you breastfeeding? Why or why not?
20.  What did you do after your baby was born? For example: welcoming ceremony, party, etc.

As for the midwives and doulas, please submit any birth stories you assisted over the years. Following is a guide but please be creative and write from your heart.
1. How many births have you attended?
2. How long have you been a midwife or doula?
3. You can focus on a few births or write about your experiences in general.
4. What is it like to work as a midwife or doula in the current birthing system?
5. Are there any tests or procedures that you disagree with but have to adhere to because of the nature of the current system?

The first draft of the manuscript will be completed by August 2012 and could be delivered to the press by September 2012 if the women edit their first draft in time.

Lastly, if you have any suggestions for Potential Reviewers please list their name at the end of your birth story and label it, “potential review” with the person’s contact information.

I hope to get your midwife, doula and/or hospital or home birth story. For further questions, please email me at

With Best Wishes,

Yaocihuatzin, PhD
Birth and Postpartum Doula

 Hello Good People!

This month's Iambrown is full of so many incredible performances, trainings, books, speakers, and services (Academics, check out the first item!) that I really could not justify including an essay. Also, I might have broken my finger falling on ice this morning. Sad, but hey, it's finally winter in Minnesota. Without further ado...
In this Edition of Iambrown:
  • Announcing Brilliance Remastered!!
  • Invincible, Jean Grae, and Tamar Kali Perform at Columbia University (New York City)
  • "Our Only Weapon Our Spirit: Selected Prison Writings of Bobby Sands" Reading (Saint Paul, MN)
  • Dr. Tererai Trent gives the Women's Month Keynote at the College of Saint Benedict's (St. Joseph, MN)
  • Movement Building: From Treaties to Prosperity (Minneapolis, MN)
  • Art in Healthcare for Rural Communities Workshop (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
  • Taller Para Talleristas / Training for Trainers (Minneapolis, MN)
  • SmartMeme is Hiring! (Boston, MA and San Francisco, CA)
  • New Book - The People's Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan (Everywhere)
  • Decolonization Begins at Birth: Hospital, Birthing Centers, and Homebirth Stories (Everywhere)

Announcing Brilliance Remastered

Brilliance Remastered is the new practice of visionary academic and organizer Alexis Pauline Gumbs, PhD. It is a service for visionary under-represented graduate students and emerging community accountable scholars! Here is what Alexis has to say about her practice: 

"Brilliance Remastered is my contribution to shifting the paradigm of what we do as community accountable scholars.   It is my intention that your experience of graduate school is not full of paranoia, proving yourself, being misunderstood and overlooked, but rather of radiant and inspiring opportunities to bring your best intellectual resources to the issues and communities you care about.   I also intend that when you finish graduate school you are not grabbing for crumbs based on what academic institution wants to hire and tokenize and overwork an under-represented person with your specialties, but rather that you will be able to choose to continue your passionate inquiry on your own terms in ways that prioritize and support strategies of power for the communities you love."

Offering one-on-one coaching, PhDoula support, and much more! Sign up for her first Audre Lorde inspired webinar Remastered Tools 101 by today, March 1st! May the transformative lovefest BEGIN!!!! ♥♥♥♥
Invincible, Jean Grae, and Tamar Kali Perform at Columbia University

Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, in conjunction with:
Columbia ISO
Radical C.U.N.T.S.
Freedom School
Asian American Alliance

Presents an epic concert featuring INVINCIBLE, JEAN GRAE, AND TAMAR KALI as part of the Born in Flames Tour and Israeli Apartheid Week!
Friday, March 2nd

Roone Arledge Auditorium
Lerner Hall
New York, NY 10027 
Doors open at 8:30, concert starts at 9.

Tickets are on sale now! Capacity is limited, so be sure to reserve your place right away.
You can purchase tickets at the following link:

Ticket price:
$7 for Columbia students
$15 for non-Columbia students

About Born in Flames:
The Born in Flames Tour bridges the worlds of hip hop and rock, and spotlights women who represent the best of both worlds, bringing together two crucibles of creativity—Brooklyn and Detroit. Featured artists Invincible, Tamar-kali, and Jean Grae are all highly-respected in their individual scenes, and their ever-growing fan bases will continue to elevate them into cult status well into the future. The name of the tour, Born in Flames, speaks to the pressure these artists feel from from a world that’s often at odds with their very existence, be it black/woman/queer/punk, etc.

The Born in Flames tour aims to affirm that outsider artists can win in the music industry by putting on powerful, original, and authentic live show that attracts new fans, night after night. Through this multi-genre tour, fans of Invincible and Jean Grae will be moved by Tamar-kali's hard rock spirit and, in turn, Tamar-kali's fans will be reminded of the power of real hip-hop. Each artist will leave an indelible mark on every stage they set ablaze. 

Learn more about the tour at

February 27-March 3 is Israeli Apartheid Week in NYC!
For more information, visit:
GET INVOLVED & organize events in your respective city...learn more!
Readings from "Our Only Weapon Our Spirit: Selected Prison Writings of Bobby Sands"
Micawber's Books
2238 Carter Ave
Saint Paul, MN 
Friday, March 16, 2012
7:00pm until 10:00pm

Help us celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a talk on one the great IRA legends and his legacy. Book editor Samuel Conway will be here to discuss the book.

Dr. Tererai Trent gives the Women's Month Keynote at the College of Saint Benedict's
March 21st, 2012
Gorecki 204
Saint Benedict's College

37 South College Avenue
St. Joseph, Minnesota 56374


Dr. Tererai Trent grew up in rural Zimbabwe where she was denied education because she was a girl. She persevered and overcame adversity to reach her dreams. She now helps girls in Southern Africa do the same. 

Movement Building: From Treaties to Prosperity
March 20, 2012
5:30-7:30 p.m.
For the month of March, the Headwaters Foundation series "Movement Building" is relocating to the All My Relations Gallery, bringing the Why Treaties Matter exhibit into our conversation about Native American sovereignty. The exhibit provides an important backdrop for talking about contemporary community and sustainability with guest speaker Justin Hueneman, Executive Director of the Native American Community Development Institute(NACDI). NACDI is advancing the concept of sovereignty in an urban context.  Justin will share the story of how the local community is successfully building and redefining itself, first with a vision of what it "has" and from there creating a plan to secure what it needs.

5:30 p.m. reception and time to view the exhibit  
6:30 p.m. program 

All My Relations Gallery
1414 East Franklin Ave
Register online today!
Headwaters Foundation for Justice
Our mission --our passion-- is to be a catalyst for social, racial, economic, and environmental justice. Our role is right in the middle, between the big picture and the small details, making sure grassroots organizing is funded well, connecting those with means with those on the front lines of change, and working with grassroots organizations so their roots reach even deeper and wider. And we'd like you to join us.

Art in Healthcare for Rural Communities Workshop

April 16-17th, 2012

A training program for individuals interested in developing and participating in arts in healthcare initiatives in rural communities.

This training will provide participants with the skills and tools necessary for creating sustainable arts in healthcare initiatives in rural communities. Emphasis will be placed on topics related to cultural competency, funding, partnerships, program development and management, artist training, and program assessment.

The two-day workshop is for anyone--administrators, artists, physicians, and nurses--who want to learn how to help people in rural communities improve their health through the arts. The workshop is Monday, April 16 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to Tuesday, April 17 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The program will be held in the Dakota Room at Sanford Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Cost for the program is $35.00.

Sponsored by Sanford Health, University of South Dakota, University of South Dakota School of Medicine, the State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, the Arts in Medicine Programs at the University of Florida, and the Kresge Foundation.

For more information contact Patrick McGowan
Director, Sanford Clinic Ear, Nose,Throat & Audiology
Sanford Arts in Health & Healing:

Direct phone: 605.328.8232      
Usted está invitado!/Announcement! You're Invited!

Únase e inscríbase en este taller intensivo diseñado para facilitadores y facilitadoras con experiencia que buscan revitalizar su trabajo, para talleristas principantes que buscan inspirarse, profesores y profesoras, líderes en la comunidad, activistas y cualquier persona que quiera llevar sus capacidades al siguiente nivel y aprender cómo pueden liderarse talleres de una manera más efectiva

Dónde: Waite House (en su nueva ubicación!). 2323 S. 11th Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55404

Cuándo: Viernes, 30 de marzo, 6 a 9 ó 10pm. Cena incluidos, Sábado, 31 de marzo, 8am a 6pm. Desayunoy almuerzo incluidos, Domingo, 01 de abril, 8 am a 6pm. Desayuno, almuerzo y pasabocas incluidos.

Que: Desde 1992, Training for Change/Talleristas por la Justicia ha venido aumentando su capacidad de hacer entrenamientos para activistas alrededor del mundo. Cuando decimos entrenamiento para activistas, nos referimos a aquel que ayuda a los grupos a trabajar más efectivamente por la justicia, la paz y el medio ambiente.

¿Por qué: 

Tener habilidades para dar entrenamientos y facilitar talleres es fundamental para realizar organización comunitaria y construir movimientos sociales de forma efectiva. Las personas que cuentan con dichas habilidades están en capacidad de prestar apoyo a los grupos con los que trabajan al capacitar nuevos/as líderes, transferir conocimiento y habilidades entre generaciones, fortalecer la participación al interior de dichos grupos, introducir conceptos nuevos y transformadores, educar e involucrar a sus audiencias, prestar apoyo en reuniones y procesos de toma de decisiones, resolver conflictos y realizar entrenamientos para la toma de acciones exitosas, creativas y disciplinadas. 


Personas que se desempeñen como facilitadoras, consultoras o talleristas con diferentes niveles de experiencia... activistas y organizadores/as comunitarios/as que deseen desarrollar capacitaciones más efectivas en su trabajo... profesores y profesoras, líderes de la comunidad, pastores/as, consultores/as y otras personas que deseen obtener más herramientas experienciales. El Taller para Talleristas es una excelente forma de empezar a conocer el estilo de entrenamiento de la organización Talleristas por la Justicia -TPJ- (en inglés, Training for Change) en caso de que esté considerando la posibilidad de que TPJ trabaje más cercanamente con su organización o que planee asistir a otros talleres que ofrecemos.


●     Mejorar las habilidades para facilitar y diseñar talleres

●     Aumentar el número de herramientas que puede usar efectivamente en sus talleres

●     Ganar una mayor conciencia sobre sus propias capacidades como facilitador o facilitadora


El taller inicia con una cena e inscripciones a las 6pm el viernes y finaliza a las 6pm del domingo.

El horario para cada día del taller es el siguiente:

Viernes: 6 a 9 ó 10pm. Cena incluida

Sábado: 8am a 6pm. Desayuno  y almuerzo incluidos

Domingo: 8 am a 6pm. Desayuno, almuerzo y pasabocas incluidos.

Aunque se trata de un horario extendido, hemos encontrado que nuestro estilo experiencial mantiene a las personas involucradas, alertas y energizadas durante todo el fin de semana. Así mismo, programamos descansos cortos y largos y animamos a quienes participan a que se cuiden para que puedan estar completamente presentes en el taller. Por favor contáctenos si tiene preguntas sobre el horario del taller.

El taller está diseñado como un paquete experiencial y cada sesión se construye sobre la anterior; queremos crear el mejor ambiente de aprendizaje posible para que los y las participantes absorban el aprendizaje combinado de cada sesión. Por ello, NO PERMITIMOS LA ASISTENCIA PARCIAL, por lo que quienes se inscriban deben comprometerse a asistir al taller en su totalidad.

Los elementos centrales de este taller ayudan a los y las participantes a fortalecer sus habilidades en diferentes áreas, que incluyen: crear un espacio seguro y generar cohesión para que un grupo pueda hacer el mejor trabajo posible de forma conjunta, utilizar actividades experienciales para extraer la sabiduría del grupo y guiar su aprendizaje, trabajar con la diversidad existente dentro del grupo y aplicar los principios de diseño que permiten realizar talleres más sólidos.

A lo largo del taller habrá múltiples oportunidades para discutir preguntas o retos específicos que desee explorar en este espacio. El Taller para Talleristas es un taller divertido y a la vez riguroso y en tanto sus participantes empujan sus propios límites para ser mejores liderando talleres, puede que surjan emociones fuertes. Hacemos lo mejor para prestarle apoyo para que usted se cuide en el taller y obtenga el mayor aprendizaje posible de los momentos que puedan ser un reto.


Para inscribirse, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a Celia Kutz - o comuníquese a los siguientes teléfonos: En inglés: Celia -             612-721-8607 y en español: Andrew - 202-277-5262. El cupo máximo es de 20 personas y la fecha límite para inscribirse es el 10 de marzo de 2012.


SmartMeme is HIRING!

SmartMeme is announcing two new full time positions, and we need your help finding the greatest applicants to join our staff.

We're looking for applicants experienced with grassroots organizing, strategic communications, movement strategy, creative actions and social justice work in diverse multiracial, cross-sector movements. We want creative, bold, imaginative applicants; team players with the ability to manage stress and find the opportunity in the crisis; hard workers with excellent time management skills who deliver high quality results on tight timelines; and people with a demonstrated commitment to fundamental social change. The positions could be based out of either our two national offices in SF or Boston.

1. Our new  operations person is a highly competent, can-do kind of person who will be the glue that holds smartMeme's work together—whether it's setting up field registration at a mobilization, maintaining our organizational database or negotiating a better deal with our landlord. The smartMeme Operations Manager position is for a problem solver who gets deep satisfaction from attention to detail. We need an implementer who can take emergent visionary ideas and transform them into reality.

2. Our new Training Program Coordinator will need to be a skilled trainer, facilitator and strategist who is also experienced with strategic communications. We need someone seasoned in the dynamics of organizing and movement strategy, who also understands the power of framing and stories. We’re looking for a narrative thinker who is great at creating effective messages, pithy slogans, and killer memes. In short we need an experienced, high capacity, well- rounded, social change superstar to lead our national Training Program.

Could either of these be you or someone you know?  Help us spread the word and build thesmartMeme team!

SmartMeme is an equal opportunity employer committed to identifying and developing the skills and leadership of peoplefrom diverse backgrounds and challenging historic patterns of political marginalization and oppression. People of Color, working-class people, differently-abled people and LGBT persons are strongly encouraged to apply.

Please CLICK HERE to see our website for additional information and to apply.

In solidarity,

doyle canning, patrick reinsborough, the smartMeme board and entire team  

New Book - The People's Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan

Eric Laursen's book, "The People's Pension: The Struggle to Defend Social Security Since Reagan," will be available late this month. now has a page, and is accepting pre-orders.

"The People's Pension" traces the story of the 30-year war to determine the fate of America's most successful social program, analyzes the arguments over its future, and suggests what's needed to preserve and expand the principles behind it for the 21st Century. In many ways the defining American domestic political struggle of our time, the story of the Social Security wars is here being told in full for the first time.

Eric will be touring to support "The People's Pension," and news on his blog,, along with his usual contributions on social insurance in general and Social Security in particular.
Decolonization Begins at Birth: Hospital, Birthing Centers, and Homebirth Stories
by Yaocihuatzin, Ph.D.
Birth and Postpartum Doula
Due to the need of the documentation of birth stories from all women, including minority and/or immigrant women, and the voice of midwife and doulas, I propose a book about hospital and homebirth stories from the perspective of the midwife, doula, and mother. If fathers want to write about the birth experience as a result of supporting and witnessing their wife's birth, they are welcome as well. All birth stories will be accepted regardless of the outcome. For example, still born birth stories.

This book will consists of seven chapters; it will be both in English and Spanish. Chapter one states the introduction and significance of the book. Chapter two consists of the research literature related to this book. Chapter three explains midwife experiences. Chapter four explains doula experiences. In chapter five are the hospital birth stories from women and men all throughout the United States, they will write about giving birth for as many children as they have for each birth story is unique. Chapter six presents birthing center stories from women and men all throughout the United States. Chapter seven presents the home birth stories from women all throughout the United States as well. Chapters five, six, and seven may include father’s birth experiences if they want to share. Chapter eight concludes with recommendations and suggestions for future research.

The book will present detailed birth experiences from women of a variety of ages, income, and race. If you are interested in submitting the birth story of your child or children please email your birth story to by the deadline: March 31, 2012. Also, if you are a midwife or doula and want to submit any birth experiences please do so as well. There is no limit to the number of words for your midwife, doula, and hospital, birth center, or home birth story, but please be as detailed as possible. Men, please share the birth story from your perspective as well. Following are some questions to guide your birth story:

1.     Date of birth
2.     Location of birth
3.     Length of birth
4.     Did you give birth naturally or had a cesarean section? Why?
5.     How was your husband or companion supportive?
6.     Explain the experience with your midwife, doctor and/or doula.
7.     Share any difficult experiences with hospitals or individuals.
8.     Was your birth followed as in your birth plan or what last minute changes occurred?
9.     Did you have an amniocentesis?
10.  Did you have an epidural, episiotomy, or any narcotics? If yes, were they positive or negative experiences?
11.  Were you induced and what were the reasons?
12.  If you did not use any narcotics or epidural, how did you cope with the birth waves, (contractions) birth, (labor) or "pain"?
13.  Were your waters broken for you or did they release on their own?
14.  Were you allowed to keep your placenta? What did you do with your placenta?
15.  What did you do with the umbilical cord when it fell off?
16.  Did the hospital take your baby away from your or did you hold your baby immediately after he/she was born?
17.  Did you circumcise your baby? Why or why not?
18.  Did you vaccinate your baby? Why or why not?
19.  Are you breastfeeding? Why or why not?
20.  What did you do after your baby was born? For example: welcoming ceremony, party, etc.

As for the midwives and doulas, please submit any birth stories you assisted over the years. Following is a guide but please be creative and write from your heart.
1. How many births have you attended?
2. How long have you been a midwife or doula?
3. You can focus on a few births or write about your experiences in general.
4. What is it like to work as a midwife or doula in the current birthing system?
5. Are there any tests or procedures that you disagree with but have to adhere to because of the nature of the current system?

The first draft of the manuscript will be completed by August 2012 and could be delivered to the press by September 2012 if the women edit their first draft in time.

Lastly, if you have any suggestions for Potential Reviewers please list their name at the end of your birth story and label it, “potential review” with the person’s contact information.

I hope to get your midwife, doula and/or hospital or home birth story. For further questions, please email me at

With Best Wishes,

Yaocihuatzin, PhD
Birth and Postpartum Doula

April News - Immune Power!


February 2012 - A Rare and Intimate Love